Administrative Quality Satisfaction Survey

The Administrative Quality Satisfaction Survey (AQSS)—conducted in April 2024—had a response rate of 13.9% and received over 15,000 qualitative responses. The survey aimed to gather insights about employee experiences with administrative services, at both central and local/departmental units. This survey was open to all Academic Staff, University Staff, Limited Appointees, Faculty, Graduate Assistants, and Post-Docs/Post-degree recipients.

The overall satisfaction rating increased to 3.90 out of 5, up from 3.81 in 2022. The local units received higher ratings, averaging 3.97, compared to the central-level units, which scored an average of 3.83. This trend is consistent with the 2022 AQSS survey.

AQSS results showed a highly variable perception of customer services across campus and the different survey focus areas of communications, facilities, finance, general administration, human resources, information technology, and research administration.

Results show increased service satisfaction in finance, human resources, information technology, communications, and general administration.

Following the 2022 survey, administrative leaders took action to improve administrative services. These actions include finance teams improving procurement and travel and human resource teams taking action to mitigate Title and Total Compensation concerns.

Chart shows blue and red bars indicating average satisfaction results for 2022 and 2024, respectively. Chart shows meaningful change in Finance, HR, IT, and Research Administration Satisfaction ratings, small change in communications and general administration satisfaction ratings, and no change for facilities satisfaction ratings.
The chart shows meaningful change in Finance, HR, IT, and Research Administration Satisfaction ratings, small change in communications and general administration satisfaction ratings, and no change for facilities satisfaction ratings.


Research Administration saw a decrease in service satisfaction.

The most frequent reasons stated in the qualitative responses were concerns with the implementation of the Research Administration Management Portal (RAMP) and  the staffing level and rates of staff turnover in the central research administration office (Research and Sponsored Programs). Learn more about RAMP.


Communication-focused question

The survey asked participants to what extent they felt like communication they received from UW–Madison (through email, text, websites, newsletters, posters/printed materials) improved their:

  • Connection to UW–Madison’s mission,
  • Pride in being a part of UW,
  • Sense of belonging at UW–Madison,
  • Understanding of how UW–Madison contibutes to the Wisconsin Idea,
  • Understanding of the Chancellor’s initiatives and priorities, and
  • Understanding of UW–Madison’s values.

The graph shows distribution of likert scale scores using grey, red, pink, and green colors.

The colors represent the following responses to the communication questions listed above the image:

  • Grey – I don’t know
  • Red – Not at all
  • Pink – Very little
  • Light green – somewhat
  • Dark green – To a great extent


Other Successes

Survey respondents saw positive improvements in IRB, travel, and purchasing processes. There was also praise for the additional resources around training and professional development available to employees.

Participants also noted the improved campus-level and divisional/departmental leadership communication and transparency around decision-making, strategic planning, and an overall feeling of creating a culture of progress.

If you would like the project team to speak with your group or have questions about the findings, email

To provide continuous feedback about the administrative services you receive, please visit the this feedback form.

About the Survey

Employee experience, engagement, and feedback will continue to inform our strategic priorities and help UW-Madison identify innovative opportunities to make this university a great place to work for everyone. 

The Administrative Quality Satisfaction Survey (AQSS) asks participants to provide important insights about their experience with these services. Questions relate to administrative activities at both the campus and local levels.

Survey results will be used to assess and improve overall satisfaction with UW-Madison’s administrative services. The survey results will also provide valuable baseline metrics for administrative transformation at UW-Madison, including the transition to Workday in July 2025. Improvements could include investments in resources, staffing, and employee training and development.

The survey is not being used to evaluate budgets or employee performance. 

The survey will be available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Hmong, Tibetan, and Nepali.

The survey is a mix of open-ended response questions and questions that ask participants to rate their levels of satisfaction on a given scale.

10-15 minutes for the rating portion; more time may be required depending on the level of detail provided in the open-ended responses.

Participants do not need to complete the survey all at once. They can return to the survey by clicking the link provided in the original email.

The survey asks participants to reflect on their experience with seven categories of administrative services:

  • Communications
  • Facilities
  • Finance
  • General Administration
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology
  • Research Administration

UW-Madison has partnered with a third-party organization called HelioCampus to distribute the survey and keep survey responses confidential. Survey respondent identities will not be shared by HelioCampus to UW-Madison, except when there are legal reporting requirements related to harassment, abuse, or threat of harm.