2019 Administrative Improvement Awards

2019 Administrative Improvement Awards

The UW-Madison campus community celebrated the winners of the university’s 2019 Administrative Improvement Awards at an April 16 ceremony at Union South. This year’s awards ceremony was part of a preview event for Showcase 2019. Combining these two events provided the campus community with an opportunity to participate in two springtime traditions and celebrations of excellence.

Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Laurent Heller and Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance David Murphy presented the awards to two individuals and three teams for their excellence in administrative roles supporting academics, research, student services, outreach or administration.

Vice Chancellor Heller said nominations for the improvement award came from all across the campus. He said all nominations stressed collaborative work.

“Even the individual nominees would not have achieved their success without the support and collaboration of colleagues,” he said. “This served to reinforce that a commitment to collaboration is one of our strongest campus values.”

Administrative Improvement Awards recognize outstanding work at UW-Madison in process redesign/development or customer service/delivery that resulted in improved efficiency, increased revenue channels, cost savings or improved service delivery. The awards may go to individuals or teams.

The 2019 honorees are:

Jonathan Henkel, Student Information and Technology Manager, School of Nursing

Malinda Constant, Project Manager, Office of Career and Professional Development, Law School

Pre-loaded Debit Card Team: Frank Austin (Business Services), Rochelle Cushman (Business Services), Liv Goff (Business Services), Meghann Grove (Business Services), Susie Maloney (Business Services), Rusty Haines (Business Services), James Muller (UW Athletics), David Rieves (UW Athletics), Jenna Wojcik (UW Athletics) and Ginger Hintz (UW System Administration)

School of Medicine and Public Health Biomedical Research Model Services (BRMS) Leadership Team: Richard Halberg, Julie Cnare-Ring, Melinda Oxner, Jim Taubel, Michael Gallardo, Richard Carson, Jody Peter and Bryan Reagan

University Housing Ticket to Take Out Team: Sarah Barnes, Breana Nehls, Patrick Pawelski and Peter Testory

Photo Credits to Todd Brown