2020 Administrative Improvement Awards
The UW–Madison Administrative Improvement Awards are for outstanding work on redesigning processes to improve efficiency, revenue, cost savings or service delivery. This year, three teams and two individuals received the award for their innovations that support the academic and research missions of the university.
The 2020 honorees are:
Sarah Hart McGuinnis, Chief Financial Officer and Director of Financial Services, DoIT
Rachel Simonson, Human Resources Specialist, Office of Human Resources
Student Information System Optimization Program Team: Eric Gentz (Office of Student Financial Aid), Will Lipske (Office of the Registrar), Kristen McRoberts (Office of Student Financial Aid), Laura Rader (Bursar’s Office), Sneha Reddy (DoIT), Brad Richardson (Office of Admissions and Recruitment), Jeremy Traska (Division of Enrollment Management), Beth Warner (Office of the Registrar), Todd Friske (DoIT)
Combined Tuition and Housing Bill Project Team: Ginger Perkins (Bursar’s Office), Laura Rader (Bursar’s Office), Tip Vandall (Bursar’s Office), Kristen McRoberts (Office of Student Financial Aid), Sara Arnsdorf (University Housing), Susan Juncer (University Housing), Anastasia Kramper (University Housing), Laura Morris (University Housing), Amelia Roemer (University Housing), Cheryl Sewell (University Housing), Troy Suski (University Housing), David Swiderski (University Housing), Brian Ward (University Housing), Jason Chapman (DoIT), Ozzyie Chen (DoIT), Dave Marty (DoIT), Tamra Dagnon (DoIT)
Facilities Service Excellence Team: Anjali Sridharan (Physical Plant), Jam Rivetna (Physical Plant), Tony Ring (Physical Plant), Nick Gullick (Physical Plant), Patrick Leonard (Physical Plant), Nick Motl (Physical Plant), Tyler Meltesen (Physical Plant), Noah Wood (Physical Plant), Dawn Ness (Business Operations and Purchasing), Brad Schenkel (Physical Plant), Alicia Meyer (FP&M), Dave Schleif (Physical Plant)