2021 Administrative Improvement Awards

2021 Administrative Improvement Awards

The Administrative Improvement Awards recognize outstanding work at UW–Madison in process design or redesign, innovation, development, or customer service that resulted in improved efficiency, increased revenue channels, cost savings, and/or improved service delivery. This year’s winners include one individual and three teams.

The 2021 honorees are:

Toni Hofhine, Division Administrator for the Division of Geriatrics and Gerontology in the Department of Medicine, School of Medicine and Public Health.

Physical Plant Project Process Improvement Team: Pamela Barrett, James Bogan, Christopher Bruhn, Lindsey Honeyager, Brent Lloyd, Craig Mayer, Pete Nemmetz, Amy Zabel Pietz, Ryan Pingel, Doug Sabatke, Ash Sadek, Mark Wells

Cultural Linguistic Services WhatsApp Initiative: Yangbum Gyal, Shuwen Li, Eloisa Negrete-García, Parwat Regmi, Anabel Rodríguez, Carmen Romero-Gonzalez, and Jzong Thao

Transportation Services COVID-19 Response Parking and Transportation Team: Peter Armstrong, Isaac Knoflicek, John Rinaldi, Troy Ruland, Steven Tan, Sue Thalacker, Dar Ward, and Carolyn Wolff